Polkazeck’s Monthly Recap — March 2021

9 min readApr 2, 2021
Polkazeck’s Monthly Recap — March 2021

The month of March has been an interesting one for us at Polkazeck. We are also sure that our investors and fans are pleased with the different steps we took to facilitate the adoption of both the ZCK token and the different asset classes in the Polkadot ecosystem.

We want to use this opportunity to thank our esteemed fans and supporters who have had our back all these while. Without your continued support and publicity of what we do, we couldn’t have made it this far.

The month of March was all about including new products into the Polkazeck ecosystem, and seeing to the listing of the Polkazeck token (ZCK) in many cryptocurrency trading platforms. We followed the roadmap of this project to ensure that the different features and services we intend to introduce on our ecosystem were followed to the latter.

As always, our vision is to be the largest cheerleader of Polkadot-based cryptocurrency projects. It is also part our mission to use the blockchain technology to facilitate more adoptions for the different asset classes listed on the Polkadot ecosystem.

With that being said, here is a breakdown of what we have been able to achieve in the month of March, 2021:

· We shared the details of the Pre-sales for the Polkazeck token (ZCK) on the SAFU platform.

· We shared the sneak peek of the Polkazeck cross-staking platform

· More fans pledged support for our project

· Polkazeck token kicked off the Pre-sale on the SAFU platform and sold out almost immediately.

· The ZCK token was listed on Uniswap

· We announced an opportunity to earn Ethereum if you stake.

· We applied to Coingecko

· Reached a milestone of 1000+ holders of the Polkazeck token (ZCK)

· Liquidity locked

· Audited by Solidity Finance

· Polkazeck was listed on CoinMarketCap

· Listed on Livecoinwatch

· Listing on Coingecko

· Telegram community grew to over a thousand

· Polkazeck introduced the Omniverse DEX

· Updates on the Omniverse DEX

· Polkazeck token (ZCK) listing on Blockfolio

· Launched the Meme Content Campaign

· ZCK Trust Score on Dextools Grew to 99%

· Announced the ZCK Token Burn

· Updates on Polkazeck staking platform launch

· Polkazeck staking platform is live

· Total supply issue discovered and resolved

· Conducted a pool on NFT

· Reported scam and provided steps to stay safe

· Etherscan verification was updated

· We analyzed the value proposition of Polkazeck to investors and users.

· Several AMAs to discuss important aspects of the Polkazeck project.

· Shared the Polkazeck roadmap

· Polkazeck listed on BitMart Exchange

· Staking Pool issue resolved

· Announced Polkazeck Whitepaper V2

· Changes made to the Tax and Burn Mechanism

Now, that’s the overview of what we achieved in the last month of March, 2021. Let us now look at those achievements in details:

Polkazeck Pre-Sales

Pre-sales are opportunities for new investors to invest in budding crypto-assets and at the cheapest price. That is the idea for the Pre-sale we organized in March, 2021 so more interested investors can become a part of this great project.

On March 1, we announced that the Pre-sale will hold on the SAFU platform on March 2021.

Ahead of that, we continually released notifications of the Pre-sales so that prospective investors will be ready when it is time.

Also, we guided the investors on the steps they must take to acquire some of the Polkazeck tokens (ZCK) during the Pre-sales.

As the time for the Pre-sales approached, we muted our Telegram community to prevent spamming from scammers.

The Pre-sales went on successfully and in an hour and 12 minutes, we sold out the Hard Cap.

However, we noticed that some investors didn’t claim their tokens on time. Nothing could be done about that because those that didn’t claim their ZCK tokens on time got less tokens than they purchased during the Pre-sales. That was because the mandatory 2% Permanent Burn and the 3% Tax shared amongst all holders were activated.

At the end of the Pre-sale, we automatically locked liquidity so that activities in the Polkazeck pool will be restricted by a time-based action.

Polkazeck Cross-Staking Platform

Our cross-staking platform was announced to the community on March 2 following the release of a 15-second video on Loom explaining how the Polkazeck cross-staking platform is expected to work after it is launched.

The Polkazeck cross-staking platform was launched on March 15, 2021. But before that, we shared the good news of earning Ethereum when you stake on the platform.

On March 15, the Polkazeck cross-staking platform underwent a 24-hour testing during which our team went through every tool to be sure that the platform was devoid of bugs or any other feature that will create an unpleasant experience for the users.

The next day, March 16, we launched the Polkazeck cross-staking platform. We also took proactive steps to resolve the error in the staking webpage that failed to reveal the real total supply of the Polkazeck token (ZCK).

On March 30, we made the final fixes to the staking pool. The update now shows rewards for the ZCH-WETH pool.

Creating Trust

One of the major steps we took in March 2021 was to increase the trust our communities have in us. This is because trust is one of the essential factors that will either make or mar any cryptocurrency transaction.

We successfully popularized our project and got many people interested in it. One of the efforts in that regard paid off, as more persons took to Twitter and blogs to encourage others to invest in the Polkazeck token (ZCK).

We also partnered with Solidity Finance; a collaboration that paved the way for our smart contract to be audited.

We also took a step forward by announcing the verification of our Etherscan address on March 20, 2021. The verification also came with the additional peck of including the price feed.

Furthermore, we worked hard to increase the Trust Score for Polkazeck on Dextools. The efforts in that regard paid off on March 14, 2021 when our Dextools Community Trust Score got to 100%.

Omniverse DEX

Omniverse DEX is the dedicated Decentralized Exchange (DEX) of the broader Polkazeck ecosystem. This Decentralized Exchange (DEX) doubles as the Automated Market Maker (AMM) of our platform.

The Omniverse DEX was first hinted to the Polkazeck community on March 6. Then, on March 25 we notified the community that the Omniverse DEX was already 70% completed. Also, we include 10 different languages so that investors from different parts of the world can use it.

The Omniverse DEX smart contracts and UI have been implemented. Swap is working fine and it’s on the final stage of development and expect the big announcement soon.


Polkazeck made tremendous efforts to list the Polkazeck token (ZCK) and information about this project in different platforms as part of our publicity.

First, we applied to be listed on Coingecko on March 3. The request was granted the next day (March 4), and Polkazeck was listed on Coingecko on that day.

On the same day, the Polkazeck token (ZCK) was listed on both Livecoinwatch and CoinMarg

We also took a major step to facilitate more adoptions for the Polkazeck token (ZCK) by applying for listing on many cryptocurrency exchanges. The most prominent was the listing of the Polkazeck token (ZCK) on the BitMart Exchange on March 30, 2021.

Aside from trading the Polkazeck token (ZCK) on Centralized Exchanges (CEXs), we also considered the decentralized variants. That is why we took the decisive step to get the Polkazeck token (ZCK) listed on Uniswap on March 4, 2021.

On March 7, we solicited the help of our community to vote for the Polkazeck token (ZCK) to be listed on Blockfolio. Our community helped us, and on March 8, Polkazeck token (ZCK) was listed on Blockfolio, enabling it to be tracked.

Polkazeck Token Holders

We became prouder than we were following the surge in the adoption of the Polkazeck token (ZCK). Soon after the Pre-sales on the SAFU platform, the number of the ZCK token holders increased.

For example, on March 4, the total number of ZCK token holders was 200. That was just 6 hours after the Pre-sales. The number of the ZCK token holders jumped to 400 the next day, March 5, and to 500 on March 6. Then, on March 14, the number of the ZCK token holders rose to 1,000.

Meme Campaign

Polkazeck continues to explore different opportunities to increase both the adoption of the Polkazeck token (ZCK) and that of the different asset classes listed on the Polkadot ecosystem.

We figured out that one of the best ways to go about that is to launch a campaign that will rally support for our project. Meme became our concentration because of the success recorded in the past by projects that used it.

On March 10, we launched a new campaign called the Meme Contest. The Contest aims to encourage creatives to put on their thinking caps to come up with creative memes that will spike the interest of prospective investors.

The campaign has since been closed, but you can read the details here.

Ten days later (March 20), we informed our community of our decision to extend the time for vetting and reviewing the submissions for the Meme Content. We were expecting about 200 (or less) applications, but over 2,500 entries were made. So, we sought more to effectively review the entries and select the winners. We are still making the reviews at the time of making this monthly recap.

NFT Poll

Our project, Polkazeck is literally a jack of all trades because it focuses on providing solutions to the different growing aspects of the crypto-economy.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are the rave of the moment. Polkazeck has some contributions to make in this budding industry.

We hope to use this survey to pattern our NFT products and services to work for every member of our community.

Scams and Fraudulent Activities

Scams cannot be entirely ruled of the cryptocurrency community, because of some persons that will want to cause mischief.

On March 19, we received reports of new scams that were targeted at Polkazeck, just to make our project appear irrelevant. We took urgent steps to address that by informing our community of fraudulent Telegram groups posing to be Polkazeck, but they are not. For the safety of our community, we advised the community members to report and leave the scam group.

Token Burn

Polkazeck token (ZCK) has a deflationary mechanism that burns a specific amount of the tokens as a way of increasing the value/price overtime.

Thus, we burned a total of 6.1 million Polkazeck tokens (ZCK) on March 20. The burned/destroyed tokens were also removed from circulation because of the 2% deflationary mechanism embedded in the Polkazeck smart contract.

Because of that, the amount of the Polkazeck tokens (ZCK) in circulation was reduced. The previous supply was 162 million Polkazeck tokens. But after the token burn, the circulating supply reduced to 155,892,122 Polkazeck tokens (ZCK).

AMA with the Co-Founders

We had 1 Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions in the month of March 2021 — where we addressed some of the things our community should know about this project.

Our first ever AMA was held on March 26 at 03:00 PM UTC, with Louis, the Co-Founder of Polkazeck.

We gave away a total of 15,000 Polkazeck tokens (ZCK) to the particpants.

Clearer Vision

We took a bold step towards the end of the month to release both the Polkazeck roadmap and the second version of the Polkazeck whitepaper.

Those two underscore all we want to do with Polkazeck, as well as the timeline we hope to achieve each of the objectives we have in place.

You can download the Polkazeck Whitepaper V 2.O from here: https://polkazeck.io/PolkazeckWhitepaperV-2.0.pdf


Our community is one of the strongest and faithful communities any crypto project will pray to have.

We thank you very much for your continued support and resilience to see that this project succeeds.

The details of our growth as a community are below:

Twitter: +1,466 followers

Holders: + 1,167

CoinMarketCap: +655 added Polkazeck to their watchlists

Telegram: +3,482 followers combined on the official Polkazeck channel and the announcement channel.

What to Expect from Polkazeck in April?

Polkazeck is one of the crypto projects that have remained consistent in what they do. With the end of the first quarter of the year, we are kicking off the new quarter (April to June with new products.

Here are some of the things to expect from us in April and the other months of Q2 of 2021:

· DAO/Governance Setup

· Surprise AMA event

· Website V2

· Integration into the Binance Smart Chain

· Snapshot for ZCK holders

· NFT airdrop

· CEX listing

· First partnership announcement

· Launch of the Omniverse Decentralized Exchange

· Marketing

· Liquidity Pool Farming

· Marketing

· Quarter burn of marketing tokens upon every release

We appreciate your efforts at spreading the word of what we do at Polkazeck. Your support will be one of the driving forces we rely on to achieve all that we set out to achieve with this project.

Keep spreading the word. Keep believing in us. Polkazeck is going to the moon!

About Polkazeck

Polkazeck is an open-source platform that uses the decentralized and distributed nature of the blockchain technology to facilitate more adoptions for the different asset classes listed on the Polkadot ecosystem.

You can stay in the loop of what we do by following us on any or all of the following platforms:








Polkazeck is the world's first decentralized cross staking platform with governance and cashback!